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Legal Warning
In accordance with the provisions of Organic Act 15/1999, of 13 December, regarding the Protection of Personal Data, you are hereby informed that all the personal data you have provided have been included in an automated database called "CLIENTS", which is the responsibility of Ms. Ana MĒ Goņi Idareta and Mr. J.A. Sanchez Goņi. They will keep and use these data for the purpose of providing legal services and sending you business information. Likewise, in compliance with the Services of the Information Society and Electronic Trade Act (Spanish Act 34/2002) and of the Organic Act for the Protection of Personal Data, you are hereby informed that if you do not wish to receive further business information, you may access, modify or cancel your personal data by contacting us via this email address or, if you prefer, by sending a letter to the law firm, indicating your name and surname, address and email.

Logo Goņi Abogados

C/ Carril de las Flores, 16 2B y 3B
Edificio Simago - Champion | CP 27002 | Lugo | Galicia | Spain
T. (+34) 982 25 25 50 | F. (+34) 982 22 33 11
correo@goniabogados.com | www.goniabogados.com